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    Article summary

    GA Release 2022.07.02

    Released on August 7th, 2022.


    • Scheduled time for policies was working incorrectly for certain cases.

    GA Release 2022.07.01.01

    Released on July 24th, 2022.


    • Scan error details can be easily copied.
    • Approvers are allowed to be part of the same policy as members.
    • Policy, permission and role name limits are increased to 128, 128 and 64 characters respectively.
    • Audit log displays the approver's user name instead of user ID for approvals.
    • Request justifications are now displayed under My Approvals.


    • SCIM provisioning no longer fails on similar or partially matching user email addresses.
    • Expiration Timeout and Expiration Extension were storing the same values.

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