Britive ChatOps Command Reference
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    Britive ChatOps Command Reference

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    Article summary

    Ensure you installed and configured the Chat applications using the following procedures: 

    All commands start with /britive or /br. For example, to log in to Britive tenant, use /britive login.

    helloDisplays the Britive tenant configured with the Slack workspace.

    For example, Hello <user>, your workspace <workspace name> is configured to <britive-tenant>


    Displays which tenant the user is logged into. If a user has not logged in, a message displays indicating that the user has not logged in. 

    For example, User <> logged into tenant <tenant name>

    helpList all supported commands.
    loginLogin to Britive tenant.
    listLists profiles, resources, etc.
    checkoutCheck out a profile.
    checkinCheck in a profile.
    requestRequests profile approval.
    checkedoutLists all checked-out profiles.
    myrequestsLists requests sent for approval.
    myapprovalsLists approval requests.
    checkedout_resourcesLists checked-out resources.
    checkout_resourceCheck out a resource.
    request_resourceRequest a resource.
    checkin_resourceCheck in a resource.

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