Network Settings
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    Network Settings

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    Article Summary

    Britive allows the tenant administrators to configure country and IP address restriction rules at the tenant level. Administrators can define rules based on the Country or the client's IP address to allow or deny access. Rules are evaluated on a priority basis. 


    Enable the Anti Lockout field to ensure that the administrator can access Britive at all times, even if the defined rules include the administrator's IP address or country code for denying access.

    To configure IP restriction rules:

    1. Login to Britive as an administrator.
    2. Click on Admin->Security->Network Settings.
    3. Click Edit to add, update, or delete the rules.
    4. Enable the Anti Lockout field to ensure that the administrator can access Britive at all times, even if the defined rules include the administrator's IP address or country code for denying access.
    5. Select Default Action to Allow or Deny, which is applied if there are no specific rules for a country and/or a client IP. 
    6. Enter the following to define the rules:
      1. Select the Field from the drop-down list.
      2. Select the Operator. The list of operators varies depending on the selected field.
      3. Enter the Values.
        • For the country field: Enter a list of one or more country codes in a two-letter ISO format.
        • For the IP address field: Enter a list of one or more IPv4 addresses in CIDR notation. For example:
      4. Check Invert to Yes to allow/deny access to the countries or IP addresses except the one(s) listed.
      5. Check Action to either allow or deny access for the selected field. This field works in coordination with the Invert field.
      6. Click the + icon to add the rule.
    7. Rules priority can be adjusted by dragging and dropping the rules in the list.

    Use Cases

    Here are some of the common use cases for using IP restrictions:

    DescriptionClient IP/Country CodeInvertActionDefault ActionAntilockout
    To block access to a particular IP NoDenyAllowDisabled
    To block access from a particular country
    To allow access to a particular country and block access from all othersINYesDenyAllowDisabled
    To deny access to a particular IP and allow access to others
    To allow access to only the administrator

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