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    Article summary

    This document describes the steps to configure a Britive connector. This connector is required to provide the just-in-time provisioning required in some cases, where the user is not an administrator but needs access to administrative features. You can create a Britive connector, which scans for users and tags, grant access to the TenantAdmin policy, and have an approval setup in the profile policy to allow the users to gain administrative rights mentioned in the policy. The user then needs to checkout the profile to gain administrative access to Britive for the duration the profile is checked out for. 

    TheBritive app needs an API token with super administrator privileges that provide access to connect to Britive to read roles, users, and role assignments. Create an API token from the Security tab.

    After an administrator has created and configured the Britive connector and has created a profile with the required access, a user can checkout the profile to gain access to Britive's administrative privileges. This access is valid till the profile is checked out. For more information, see Britive Profile Access.

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