Integrating Azure for SSO
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    Integrating Azure for SSO

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    Article summary

    This guide provides the details about Britive and Azure SSO integration.

    Configuration Steps

    Configuring an Identity Provider on Britive

    An identity provider needs to be created in Britive for SSO. 

    1. Login to Britive application with administrator privileges.
    2. Click on Admin->Identity Management from the navigation menu.
    3. Click on the Identity Providers tab.
    4. Click on ADD IDENTITY PROVIDER button.
    5. Enter Name and Description.
    6. Select Identity Provider Type as SAML.
    7. Click Add. A configuration page is displayed.

    Configuring SSO on Britive

    1. Click on the Edit icon under SSO Provider in the SSO Configuration tab.
    2. Select Azure from the drop-down list.
    3. Save the changes by clicking the icon next to the selection.
    4. Keep note of the URLs listed here, they are required to complete the SSO configuration on the identity provider portal.

    Configuring Azure for SSO

    It is highly recommended to use Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for the Britive application. For more information, see Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication.

    Follow the steps below for configuring SAML between Azure AD and Britive app:

    1. Login to Microsoft Azure portal with permission to create SAML applications.
    2. From the portal menu, click on Azure Active Directory.
    3. Click on Enterprise applications from the navigation menu,
    4. Click on the + New application button.
    5. Search for Britive from the Browse Azure AD Gallery.
    6. Select Britive from the results panel.
    7. A Britive application details are displayed. Change the name of the application if required.
    8. Click Create.
    9. Click on Set up single sign on from the Getting Started section.
    10. Click on SAML.
    11. Edit the Basic SAML Configuration. On the Basic SAML Configuration page, enter the values from the Britive SSO Configuration page :
      1. Copy the Audience/Entity ID value from Britive SSO configuration page into the Identifier (Entity ID) field.
      2. Copy the Assertion Consumer URL value from Britive SSO configuration page into the Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) field.
      3. Copy the “Initiate SSO URL” value from the Britive SSO configuration page into the Sign on URL field.
      4. Copy the “Single Logout URL” from the Britive SSO configuration page to Logout Url field. (This step is optional and logs out the user from the Azure portal when they click logout on Britive app).
      5. Click Save.
    12. Edit User Attributes & Claims.
    13. The Name ID claim should be mapped to user.userprincipalname. This is done by default. Change if it is not mapped already.

    For more information about integrating Azure AD with Britive, see Tutorial: Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with Britive.

    Configuring SSO metadata on Britive

    To complete the SSO configuration, the SAML metadata from the identity provider needs to be imported into the Britive application. 

    Follow the steps below to complete the SSO configuration:

    1. Login to Britive application with administrator privileges.
    2. Click on Admin-> Identity Management.
    3. Click on the Identity Providers tab.
    4. Click on the required identity provider.
    5. Click on UPLOAD SAML METADATA. Browse to the identity provider SAML metadata that was downloaded while configuring the identity provider.
    6. Upon successful upload, the SAML settings are displayed.

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