Manage Vault
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    Manage Vault

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    Article summary

    The following Britive API methods help you to manage operations related to the Britive vault.

    1. Create Vault

    The POST method creates a vault for the Secrets manager. Only an administrator can create a vault.

    Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with the action sm.vault.create.


    Request Example

    curl -X POST '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/vault' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token> \
        "name": "BritiveVault",
        "description": "Test vault",
        "rotationTime": 30,
        "maxSecretRotationInterval": 60,
        "encryptionAlgorithm": "AES_256",
        "defaultNotificationMediumId": "01d4b73e-46b3-4347-842d-6b556dc7f9b2",
        "recipients": {
            "userIds": [
           "tags": [],
           "channelIds": []

    Response Example 

    Status: 201 Created
       "name": "BritiveVault",
       "description": "Test vault",
       "lastRotation": "2021-09-28 03:49:07",
       "nextRotation": "2021-10-28 03:49:07",
       "status": "ready",
       "encryptionAlgorithm": "AES_256",
       "rotationTime": 30,
       "maxSecretRotationInterval": 60,
       "defaultNotificationMediumId": "01d4b73e-46b3-4347-842d-6b556dc7f9b2",
        "recipients": {
            "userIds": [
            "tags": [],
            "channelIds": null

    2. Update Vault

    This PATCH method updates the vault details. 

    Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with the action “sm.vault.update“.


    Request Example

    curl -X PATCH '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/vault/<vaultId>' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H "Accept: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
        "name" : "vault1",
        "description" : "vault description1",
        "rotationTime": 3,
        "maxSecretRotationInterval": 60,
        "defaultNotificationMediumId": "01d4b73e-46b3-4347-842d-6b556dc7f9b2",
        "recipients": {
            "userIds": [
            "tags": [],
            "channelIds": null

    Response Example 

    Status: 204 No content

    3. Get Vault Details 

    This GET method returns the vault details of the current active vault.

    Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with the action ““.


    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
        "id": "d6ff7658-f253-4831-abfa-ce8ea0b16759",
        "name": "vault_5dec23",
        "description": "created for testing SM-5895",
        "lastRotation": "2023-12-05T05:09:55.857Z",
        "nextRotation": "2024-02-03T05:09:55.858Z",
        "status": "ready",
        "encryptionAlgorithm": "AES_256",
        "metadata": {
            "authz.policy.create": "Allow",
            "sm.node.delete": "Allow",
            "sm.vault.delete": "Allow",
            "sm.key.rotate": "Allow",
            "authz.policy.update": "Allow",
            "sm.vault.update": "Allow",
            "authz.policy.delete": "Allow",
            "authz.policy.list": "Allow",
            "sm.secret.update": "Allow",
            "sm.vault.list": "Allow",
            "sm.node.list": "Allow",
            "sm.vault.create": "Allow",
            "": "Allow",
            "sm.node.create": "Allow",
            "": "Allow"
        "defaultNotificationMediumId": "b16c5b49-f7f8-4612-9f14-bf7b3fa17ade",
        "recipients": {
            "userIds": [
            "tags": [
        "maxSecretRotationInterval": 60,
        "rotationTime": 60

    4. Get Vault Details with vaultID

    This GET method returns the vault details of the specified <vaultID>.

    Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with the action ““.


    Request Example

    curl -X GET '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/vault/<vaultId>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' 

    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
        "id": "d6ff7658-f253-4831-abfa-ce8ea0b16759",
        "name": "vault_5dec23",
        "description": "created for testing SM-5895",
        "lastRotation": "2023-12-05T05:09:55.857Z",
        "nextRotation": "2024-02-03T05:09:55.858Z",
        "status": "ready",
        "encryptionAlgorithm": "AES_256",
        "metadata": {
            "authz.policy.create": "Allow",
            "sm.node.delete": "Allow",
            "sm.vault.delete": "Allow",
            "sm.key.rotate": "Allow",
            "authz.policy.update": "Allow",
            "sm.vault.update": "Allow",
            "authz.policy.delete": "Allow",
            "authz.policy.list": "Allow",
            "sm.secret.update": "Allow",
            "sm.vault.list": "Allow",
            "sm.node.list": "Allow",
            "sm.vault.create": "Allow",
            "": "Allow",
            "sm.node.create": "Allow",
            "": "Allow"
        "defaultNotificationMediumId": "b16c5b49-f7f8-4612-9f14-bf7b3fa17ade",
        "recipients": {
            "userIds": [
            "tags": [
        "maxSecretRotationInterval": 60,
        "rotationTime": 60

    5. Delete Vault

    This DELETE method deletes the vault specified by the <vaultID>.

    Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with the action “sm.vault.delete“.


    Request Example

    curl -X DELETE '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/vault/<vaultId>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

    Response Example 

    Status: 204 No content

    6. Rotate Key

    This POST method rotates the vault encryption key.

    Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with the action “sm.key.rotate“.


    Request Example

    curl -X POST '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/keys/rotate' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

    Response Example 

    Status:202 Accepted

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