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Manage Password Policies
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1. Create a Password Policy for Alphanumeric Password
This POST method creates a password policy for an alphanumeric password.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as sm.passwordpolicy.create.
POST | {{url}}/api//v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies |
Request Example
curl -X POST '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' -H 'content-type: application/json'
"description":"Password Policy",
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": true,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%("
Response Example
Status: 201 Created |
"id": "81910feb-92d3-4583-b9a9-dd3476381a6b",
"name": "DBPasswordPolicy",
"description": "Password Policy",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%\\(",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": true,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
2. Create Password Policy for PIN
This POST method creates a password policy for a PIN.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as sm.passwordpolicy.create.
POST | {{url}}/api//v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies |
Request Example
curl -X POST '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' -H 'content-type: application/json'
"description":"PIN Policy",
"pinLength": 4
Response Example
Status: 201 Created |
"id": "0f4812f2-ddc0-4ad5-98e1-4670b13343ec",
"name": "DBPasswordPolicyPIN",
"description": "PIN Policy",
"passwordType": "pin",
"allowedSpecialChars": null,
"minPasswordLength": 0,
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": false,
"pinLength": 4
3. Update Password Policy
This PATCH method updates the specified password policy, identified by an ID.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as “sm.passwordpolicy.update“.
PATCH | {{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies/<id> |
curl -X PATCH '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies/<id>'
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' -H 'content-type: application/json'
"description":"Password Policy Updated",
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": true,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%(",
Response Example
Status:204 No Content |
4. Get Password Policy
This GET method returns the password policy details.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as sm.passwordpolicy.read.
GET | {{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies/<passwordpolicy_id> |
curl -X GET '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies/<passwordpolicy_id>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response Example
Status:200 Ok |
"id": "81910feb-92d3-4583-b9a9-dd3476381a6b",
"name": "DBPasswordPolicy",
"description": "Password Policy Updated",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%\\(",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": true,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
5. Delete Password Policy
This DELETE method deletes a password policy specified by an ID.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as sm.passwordpolicy.delete.
DELETE | {{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies/<id> |
curl -X DELETE '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies/<id>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response Example
Status:204 No Content |
6. Generate a Password/PIN as per a Password Policy
This API method autogenerates either password or PIN as per password policy set for the given policy ID.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as sm.passwordpolicy.read.
GET | {{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies/<id>?action=generatePasswordOrPin |
Request Parameter
The request parameter used in this method is shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
action | Specifies that either password or pin is auto generated as per password policy set for the given policy ID. The value is 'generatePasswordOrPin'. | String | Mandatory |
Request Example
curl -X GET '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies/<id>?action=generatePasswordOrPin' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response Example
"passwordOrPin": "f%%cbl(("
Status:200 OK |
7. Validate Password/PIN as per a Password Policy
This POST method validates a password/PIN as per a password policy.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as sm.passwordpolicy.create.
POST | {{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies?action=validatePasswordOrPin |
Request Parameter
The request parameter used in this method is shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
action | Validates entered password or pin against password policy Id passed. The value is 'validatePasswordOrPin'. | String | Mandatory |
Request Example
curl -X POST '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies?action=validatePasswordOrPin' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
--d '{
"id": "b020a9de-5138-48be-b722-b3473f3e5868",
"passwordOrPin": "pR0#1$jO"
Response Example
Status:200 OK |
"isPasswordOrPinValid": false,
"message": "Password minimum length should be 8. Password should contain lowercase characters, special characters @#$%\\("
8. Get Password Policy by Name
This GET method returns a password policy details with the specified password policy name.
Note: To execute this API, a user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as sm.passwordpolicy.list.
GET | {{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies?filter=name eq <pwdpolicyname> |
Request Parameters
The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
filter | Filter the list of password policies based on the name of a password policy. The supported operators are 'eq', 'sw' and 'co'. An example format is given here: name eq DBPasswordPolicy | String | Mandatory |
pageToken | Autogenerated token for next page of records in case the results are more than one page. Append this token in requested API URL to access the next set of pages. | String | Optional |
Request Example
curl -X GET '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies?filter=name eq <pwdpolicy>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response Example
Status:200 OK |
"result": [
"id": "81910feb-92d3-4583-b9a9-dd3476381a6b",
"name": "DBPasswordPolicy",
"description": "Password Policy Updated",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%\\(",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": true,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"pagination": {
"next": "",
"prev": ""
9. Get all Password Policies
This GET method returns all the password policies details.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as sm.passwordpolicy.list.
GET | {{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies |
Request Parameter
The request parameter used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
pageToken | Autogenerated token for next page of records in case the results are more than one page. Append this token in requested API URL to access the next set of pages. | String | Optional |
curl -X GET '{{url}}/api/v1/secretmanager/pwdpolicies' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response Example
Status:200 OK |
"result": [
"id": "04806cb2-2d60-4749-a49f-3c01f7615dd2",
"name": "p-autotestDvjnKdwh",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "08efc835-36d5-41a1-a5a0-7f4c91ed446a",
"name": "p-autotestZgfzVvbt",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "0a4c2a5c-258c-4b4e-99a7-385c3a4f7fb3",
"name": "p-autotestIzjfJrhi",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "0f4812f2-ddc0-4ad5-98e1-4670b13343ec",
"name": "DBPasswordPolicyPIN",
"description": "PIN Policy",
"passwordType": "pin",
"allowedSpecialChars": null,
"minPasswordLength": 0,
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": false,
"pinLength": 4
"id": "140885d0-bc8d-4748-b509-804fc1cbb541",
"name": "p-autotestTqesAzee",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "1c4cb174-6ff9-4f3e-b3fa-320877171a40",
"name": "p-autotestBrqiPemq",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "2751ade2-8181-43b4-b1f9-31014f782bd4",
"name": "p-autotestKtkrHdpc",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "2ba1e5ca-b48d-4f2d-a0c4-5f97792bd5d0",
"name": "test4febPP",
"description": "",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": null,
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": false,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "40a6f24a-8bde-48f6-b1c6-b47082dd825d",
"name": "p-autotestYbvyHdpd",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "45aad1b2-d47c-4818-9509-21da15f966fe",
"name": "p-autotestYbvyLlgv",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "4b786c6c-4cd9-4d3e-af40-1ae2899b1ab6",
"name": "p-autotestNpnbOlgg",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "4db3ca66-e1f0-4a0a-ba13-8357efd81ef5",
"name": "p-autotestWlxfGqxb",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "55f3d5a2-0f93-4466-ab19-90d382f51798",
"name": "copy_of_test4febPP",
"description": "",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": null,
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": false,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "5809f514-0315-4a56-adfc-c4c2ba463d95",
"name": "p-autotestWlxfWvzt",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "5af267ce-6ec9-4368-b9af-4de9faedc147",
"name": "p-autotestIzjfQfyk",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "5e35fd77-f2f6-4c19-bee0-a4d3fa9e89e6",
"name": "p-autotestYbvyShud",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "5ee4a67b-327a-40fd-a38d-412a50febac4",
"name": "p-autotestBppkUvbe",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "694a8523-82ce-49a7-ae92-9e295d977144",
"name": "Password--Policy",
"description": "pin",
"passwordType": "pin",
"allowedSpecialChars": null,
"minPasswordLength": 0,
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": false,
"pinLength": 6
"id": "6fd060dd-1ef9-48e0-b1e3-d680d6afd3fb",
"name": "p-autotestWlxfLogo",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "70b6a975-fbe5-453d-88b7-2545cd77dfb7",
"name": "p-autotestIzjfKmgn",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "70c543eb-9b17-4831-87d6-d962cd9fe623",
"name": "Strong Password Policy",
"description": "Strong 8 Char Password Policy",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "!@#$%^&*():?><",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": true,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "71394ca5-0f9f-42d9-8195-0dd2cd5104ef",
"name": "p-autotestIzjfRjsn",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "7d671b84-e609-48b2-849d-3c71a43977a5",
"name": "p-autotestFxgbLgen",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "7f032fb8-571f-434d-bac2-5d9c025fcce9",
"name": "p-autotestWlxfVstt",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "81910feb-92d3-4583-b9a9-dd3476381a6b",
"name": "DBPasswordPolicy",
"description": "Password Policy Updated",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%\\(",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": false,
"hasLowerCaseChars": true,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "846dc38b-2462-4e0b-9dbd-31af42c7f675",
"name": "p-autotestYbvyVcby",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "8ee7381e-6cc9-4f82-8c46-1b7f2a4e1314",
"name": "p-autotestBrqiTjub",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "98c2adaa-f4b0-44d5-9276-07b8a5ed1a69",
"name": "p-autotestYbvySflb",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "b1bb3a3b-d952-44b5-9007-0cfa4ba1344a",
"name": "p-autotestBrqiEtwn",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "b62ea174-00aa-4aad-96bc-04f77d706e2d",
"name": "p-autotestBrqiAtfy",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "b9fb1601-1836-4a84-a831-2e1e8d4eb3e7",
"name": "Moderate Password Policy",
"description": "Moderate 8 Char Password Policy without spl chars",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "_-",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": true,
"hasNumbers": false,
"hasSpecialChars": false,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "c11fc515-ce26-4eff-819b-b9050c3ec8a9",
"name": "p-autotestBrqiXxkm",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "c440fca9-4279-4b18-9f56-736f2b1eeed2",
"name": "p-autotestWlxfIcwu",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "dfca25a9-791c-4b9a-b8c1-c8b5594cdca4",
"name": "p-autotestWlxfKnpz",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "e4c76080-97e3-4a0e-a599-50ff516b694c",
"name": "p-autotestIzjfEbdf",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "e7ef994b-8d1c-4704-a47d-b8b6f4ce6f9d",
"name": "p-autotestYbvyUnjr",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "f70f1a84-d067-4f76-8ea9-b6e3ffab151b",
"name": "p-autotestIzjfSvpc",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"id": "fa2cb731-da69-4796-bf8c-aa1911e1a51d",
"name": "p-autotestBrqiHvjk",
"description": "Password Policy with password",
"passwordType": "alphanumeric",
"allowedSpecialChars": "@#$%^",
"minPasswordLength": 8,
"hasUpperCaseChars": true,
"hasLowerCaseChars": false,
"hasNumbers": true,
"hasSpecialChars": true,
"pinLength": 0
"pagination": {
"next": "",
"prev": ""