RESTful API Error Codes
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    RESTful API Error Codes

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    Error Codes for the Status Code 400 Bad Request

    The following error codes are returned in the Britive API responses when the HTTP status code is 400 Bad Request :

    Application related:

    Error CodeDescription
    A-0001An error occurred when creating an application.
    A-0002An error occurred when reading properties for an application.
    A-0003An error occurred when updating an application.
    A-0004An error occurred when deleting an application.
    A-0005An error occurred when saving properties for an application.

    Advanced Settings related:

    Error CodeDescription
    AS-0001An error occurred when the justification was missing in the check-out request.
    AS-0002An error occurred when the justification did not match the regular expression.
    AS-0003An error occurred when the ITSM ticket type and ID were both missing.
    AS-0004An error occurred when the ITSM ticket type was missing.
    AS-0005An error occurred when the ITSM ticket ID was missing.
    AS-0006An error occurred when the ITSM ticket type was invalid.
    AS-0007An error occurred when the ITSM ticket ID was invalid.

    API token related:

    Error CodeDescription
    AT-0001An error occurred when creating an API token.
    AT-0002An error occurred updating an API token.
    AT-0003An error occurred while deleting an API token.

    Application-specific profile check-in related:

    Error CodeDescription
    CI-0001An error occurred when checking in a profile for an AWS application.
    CI-0002An error occurred when checking in a profile for the Azure application.
    CI-0003An error occurred when checking in a profile for the GCP application.
    CI-0004An error occurred when checking in a profile for the Oracle application.
    CI-0005An error occurred when checking in a profile for the SalesForce application.
    CI-0006An error occurred when checking in a profile for the ServiceNow application.

    Application-specific profile checkout related:

    Error CodeDescription
    CO-0001An error occurred when checking out a profile for the AWS application.
    CO-0002An error occurred when checking out a profile for the Azure application.
    CO-0003An error occurred when checking out a profile for the GCP application.
    CO-0004An error occurred when checking out a profile for the Oracle application.
    CO-0005An error occurred when checking out a profile for the SalesForce application.
    CO-0006An error occurred when checking out a profile for the ServiceNow application.

    Profile checking in/out related:

    Error CodeDescription
    MA-0001An error occurred when checking in a profile.
    MA-0002An error occurred when checking out a profile.
    MA-0003An error occurred when reading the status of a checked-out profile.
    MA-0004An error occurred when updating the status of a checked-out profile.
    MA-0005An error occurred when getting information on shared accounts for a profile.
    MA-0006An error occurred when deleting a snapshot for a checked-out profile.
    MA-0007An error occurred when creating a snapshot for a checked-out profile.
    MA-0008An error occurred in getting tokens or the console URL because the profile was already checked in.
    MA-0009An error occurred when the justification was missing for an approval request.

    Profile management related:

    Error CodeDescription
    P-0001An error occurred when creating a profile.
    P-0002An error occurred when reading a profile.
    P-0003An error occurred when updating the properties of a profile.
    P-0004An error occurred when deleting a profile.
    P-0005An error occurred while validating the properties of a profile.

    Profile access related:

    Error CodeDescription
    PF-0001An error occurred when saving a profile as one of the favorites.
    PF-0002An error occurred in deleting profiles marked as favorites.
    PF-0003An error occurred in reading profiles marked as favorites.

    Profile Policy related:

    PP-001An error occurred when permissions were not allowed for policy.
    PP-002An error occurred when a token is invalid input for policy members.
    PP-003An error occurred when creating a profile policy.
    PP-004An error occurred when updating the properties of a profile.
    PP-005A generic error occurred, error message is dynamic based on the scenario.
    PP-006An error occurred when the policy cannot be created or updated for all users (*).

    Access Broker related:

    Error CodeDescription
    RM-0001An error occurred while removing a favorite resource.
    RM-0002An error occurred when checking out an existing resource profile.
    RM-0003An error occurred when check-in of a profile is not allowed. 
    RM-0004An error occurred when an invalid transaction is provided in the request.
    RM-0005An error occurred when a user is not authorized to perform the check-in.
    RM-0006An error occurred when associations are not added to profiles before permissions.
    RM-0007An error occurred when a given variable does not exist in the associated permission.
    RM-0008An error occurred when a resource permission does not exist for a given ID.
    RM-0009An error occurred when a resource label key does not exist.
    RM-0010An error occurred when a resource profile does not exist for a given ID.
    RM-0011An error occurred when a resource type does not exist for a given ID.
    RM-0012An error occurred when a response template does not exist for a given name.
    RM-0013An error occurred when variable values are not permitted because the permission does not include any variables.
    RM-0014An error occurred when a profile already has permission for the specified resource type.
    RM-0015An error occurred when a resource type ID does not match the permission's resource type.
    RM-0016An error occurred when profile permissions do not support adding a specified permission.

    Users related:

    Error CodeDescription
    U-0001An error occurred during the validation of the username format when creating or updating a user.
    U-0002An error occurred reading properties for a user.
    U-0003An error occurred when modifying properties for a provisioned user from an external system.
    U-0004An error occurred when creating a user.
    U-0005An error occurred when updating a user.
    U-0006An error occurred when deleting a user.
    U-0007An error occurred when disabling a user.
    U-0008An error occurred when enabling a user.
    U-0009An error occurred when trying to create a user that already exists.
    U-0010An error occurred when trying to reset a password for a user.
    U-0011An error occurred when trying to reset the MFA device for a user.

    User tags related:

    Error CodeDescription
    UT-0001An error occurred when creating a user tag.
    UT-0002An error occurred when modifying a provisioned user tag from an external system.
    UT-0003An error occurred reading the properties of a user tag.
    UT-0004An error occurred when adding a user to a tag.
    UT-0005An error occurred when adding a user to a tag that is already associated with a profile via the same tag.
    UT-0006An error occurred when removing a user from a tag.
    UT-0007An error occurred when disabling a user tag.
    UT-0008An error occurred when enabling a user tag.
    UT-0009An error occurred when deleting a user tag.
    UT-0010An error occurred when updating a user tag.


    Error CodeDescription
    R-0001An error occurred while loading the contents of a report.
    IDP-0001An error occurred disabling MFA for all users.
    G-0001A generic error code when no specific error code is defined.

    Error Codes for the Status Code 401 Unauthorized

    The following error codes are returned in the Britive API responses when the HTTP status code is 401 Unauthorized:

    Error CodeDescription
    AU-0000A generic error during authentication failure.
    AU-0001An error occurred during authentication when an invalid challenge parameter was passed.
    AU-0002An error occurred during authentication when an invalid SSO provider was passed.
    AU-0003The user not found error during authentication.
    AU-0004User is disabled
    AU-0005The user is a service identity.
    AU-0006An error occurred validating the user.
    AU-0007An invalid OAuth token was passed during authentication.
    AU-0008An error occurred when users try to change the password on their own.
    AU-0009An error occurred when validating the OTP provided for MFA.
    AU-0010An error occurred enrolling a user during MFA.
    AU-0011An error occurred when changing a temporary password upon authentication
    AU-0012An error occurred when recovering a forgotten password.
    AU-0013An error occurred validating the user during SSO login.
    AU-0014An invalid tenant error.
    AU-0015API token not found error.
    AU-0016API token has been revoked.
    AU-0017API token has expired.
    AU-0018The API token is invalid.

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