Resource Permissions
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    Resource Permissions

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    Article summary

    The showOrigCreds field is set to True by default if there are no response templates associated with the permission. On associating a response template with the permission, you can set the showOrigCreds to False or True as desired.

    1. Manage Resource Permissions

    This POST method is used to manage resource permissions.


    Request Example

    curl --location --request POST '{{url}/api/resource-manager/permissions' \
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}' \
    --data-raw '
      "permissionId": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "version": "string",
      "resourceTypeId": "string",
      "resourceTypeName": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "checkinURL": "string",
      "checkoutURL": "string",
      "checkinFileName": "string",
      "checkinTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutFileName": "string",
      "isDraft": false,
      "inlineFileExists": false,
      "editorType": "string",
      "variables": [
      "responseTemplates": [
          "templateId": "string",
          "name": "string"
      "showOrigCreds": false,
      "createdBy": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "createdOn": "string",
      "updatedOn": "string"

    Response Example 

    Status: 201 Created
      "permissionId": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "version": "string",
      "resourceTypeId": "string",
      "resourceTypeName": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "checkinURL": "string",
      "checkoutURL": "string",
      "checkinFileName": "string",
      "checkinTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutFileName": "string",
      "isDraft": false,
      "inlineFileExists": false,
      "editorType": "string",
      "variables": [
      "responseTemplates": [
          "templateId": "string",
          "name": "string"
      "showOrigCreds": false,
      "createdBy": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "createdOn": "string",
      "updatedOn": "string"

    2. Get All Resource Permissions for resource Id

    This GET method is used to retrieve a list of all resource permissions


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    resourceTypeIdResource type of permission ID.StringMandatory
    searchTextFilter profiles by searching text.StringOptional

    Request Example

    curl --location -g --request GET '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/resource-types/{resourceTypeId}/permissions' \
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'

    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
      "count": 0,
      "page": 0,
      "size": 0,
      "sort": "string",
      "data": [
          "permissionId": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "resourceTypeName": "string",
          "isDraft": false,
          "createdOn": "string",
          "versionCount": 0,
          "version": "string"

    3. Get Resource Permission by ID

    This GET method is used to get resource permissions specified by ID.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    idResource permission ID.StringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location -g --request GET '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/permissions/{id}' \
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'

    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
        "permissionId": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "version": "string",
        "createdOn": "string",
        "isDraft": false

    4. Update Resource Permission

    The PUT method allows you to update resource permission.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    idID of the resource permission to partially update.StringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location --request PUT '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/permissions/{id}' \
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}' \
      "permissionId": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "version": "string",
      "resourceTypeId": "string",
      "resourceTypeName": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "checkinURL": "string",
      "checkoutURL": "string",
      "checkinFileName": "string",
      "checkinTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutFileName": "string",
      "isDraft": false,
      "inlineFileExists": false,
      "editorType": "string",
      "variables": [
      "responseTemplates": [
          "templateId": "string",
          "name": "string"
      "showOrigCreds": false,
      "createdBy": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "createdOn": "string",
      "updatedOn": "string"

    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
      "permissionId": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "version": "string",
      "resourceTypeId": "string",
      "resourceTypeName": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "checkinURL": "string",
      "checkoutURL": "string",
      "checkinFileName": "string",
      "checkinTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutFileName": "string",
      "isDraft": false,
      "inlineFileExists": false,
      "editorType": "string",
      "variables": [
      "responseTemplates": [
          "templateId": "string",
          "name": "string"
      "showOrigCreds": false,
      "createdBy": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "createdOn": "string",
      "updatedOn": "string"

    5. Delete Resource Permission

    The DELETE method allows you to delete the resource permission.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    idID of the resource permission to delete.StringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location --request DELETE '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/permissions/{id}' \
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'

    Response Example 

    The resource permission is deleted.

    Status: 204 No Content

    6. Get Permission for given Version ID

    This GET method is used to retrieve the permissions for a specified version.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    idResource permission ID.StringMandatory
    versionVersion id of the resource permission to get.StringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location --request GET '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/permissions/{id}/{version}?' \
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'

    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
      "permissionId": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "version": "string",
      "resourceTypeId": "string",
      "resourceTypeName": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "checkinURL": "string",
      "checkoutURL": "string",
      "checkinFileName": "string",
      "checkinTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutFileName": "string",
      "isDraft": false,
      "inlineFileExists": false,
      "editorType": "string",
      "variables": [
      "responseTemplates": [
          "templateId": "string",
          "name": "string"
      "showOrigCreds": false,
      "createdBy": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "createdOn": "string",
      "updatedOn": "string"

    7. Delete Resource Permission

    The DELETE method allows you to delete resource permission for a specified version.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    IdID of the resource permission to deleteStringMandatory
    versionID of the resource permission version to deleteStringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location --request DELETE '{/api/resource-manager/permissions/{id}/{version}' \
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}' 

    Response Example 

    Status: 204 No Content

    8. Get pre signed URLs for checkin/checkout

    This GET method retrieves a list of pre signed URLs for checkin/checkout.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    IdID of the resource permission to get URLs for.StringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location --request GET 'api/resource-manager/permissions/get-urls/{id}' \
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'

    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
      "permissionId": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "version": "string",
      "resourceTypeId": "string",
      "resourceTypeName": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "checkinURL": "string",
      "checkoutURL": "string",
      "checkinFileName": "string",
      "checkinTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutTimeLimit": 0,
      "checkoutFileName": "string",
      "isDraft": false,
      "inlineFileExists": false,
      "editorType": "string",
      "variables": [
      "responseTemplates": [
          "templateId": "string",
          "name": "string"
      "showOrigCreds": false,
      "createdBy": "string",
      "updatedBy": "string",
      "createdOn": "string",
      "updatedOn": "string"

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