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    Article summary

    The Access Broker feature is enabled only on request. Please reach out to your customer success point of contact to enable this.

    Britive now extends the Just-In-Time provisioning to servers, databases, internal applications, and other infrastructure resources residing on premises. Resources can reside in private or hybrid networks and VPCs. Resources do not need to reside in a public environment or be accessible from the public internet.

    Britive works as a resource broker. It creates profiles, policies, and approval workflows for access to the resource. Users control how the access and permissions need to be assigned for accessing any resource. Multiple brokers can manage one resource or one broker can manage multiple resources.

    An administrator needs to follow these steps to configure the Access Broker feature:

    1. Create a broker pool
    2. Download Brokers on Britive
    3. Create Resources Types
    4. Create Resource Labels
    5. Create Resources
    6. Create Profiles

    User Access

    1. Select a profile to check out from the My Resources menu option.
    2. Check-in access after completing the required action from the My Resources menu option.

    For more information about terms used in the Access Broker feature, see Terminology.

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