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Manage Resource Profile Advanced Settings
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1. Get Effective Advanced Settings for a Resource
This GET method retrieves the effective advanced settings of a resource profile specified by a profileId.
GET | {{url}}/api/resource-manager/my-resources/{profileId}/resources/{resourceId}/settings |
Request Parameters
The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
profileId | Profile ID to get Resource Profile Setting | String | Mandatory |
resourceId | Resource ID to get Resource Profile Setting | String | Mandatory |
Request Example
curl --location -g --request GET '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/my-resources/{profileId}/resources/{resourceId}/settings'
--header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'
Response Example
Status: 200 OK |
"profileId": "string",
"justificationSetting": {
"settingsType": "JUSTIFICATION",
"id": "string",
"entityId": "string",
"entityType": "string",
"isInherited": true,
"isJustificationRequired": true,
"isJustificationRequiredAtCheckout": true,
"justificationRegex": "string"
"itsmSetting": {
"settingsType": "ITSM",
"id": "string",
"entityId": "string",
"entityType": "string",
"isInherited": true,
"connectionId": "string",
"connectionType": "string",
"isCommentRequired": true,
"isITSMEnabled": true,
"supportedTicketTypes": [
"itsmFilterCriteria": [
"supportedTicketType": "string",
"filter": {
"additionalProp1": "string",
"additionalProp2": "string",
"additionalProp3": "string"
"approvalRequestData": {
"justification": "string",
"ticketId": "string",
"ticketType": "string"
2. Create Advanced Settings for Resource Profile
This POST method configures advanced settings for a resource profile.
POST | {{url}}/api/resource-manager/profile/{profileId}/advanced-settings |
Request Parameters
The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
profileId | profileId mapped to Advanced Settings | String | Mandatory |
Request Example
curl --location -g --request POST '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/profile/{profileId}/advanced-settings'
--header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'
"settings": [
"settingsType": "ITSM",
"connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
"connectionType": "servicenow",
"isCommentRequired": false,
"isITSMEnabled": true,
"itsmFilterCriteria": [
"supportedTicketType": "change_request",
"filter": {
"sysparm_query": ""
"settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
"isJustificationRequired" : true,
"justificationRegex" : "XYZ"
Response Example
Status: 201 Created |
"tenantId": "string",
"consumer": "RESOURCE_PROFILE",
"settings": [
"settingsType": "ITSM",
"id": "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
"entityId": "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
"entityType": "PROFILE",
"isInherited": false,
"connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
"connectionType": "servicenow",
"isCommentRequired": false,
"isITSMEnabled": true,
"itsmFilterCriteria": [
"supportedTicketType": "change_request",
"filter": {
"sysparm_query": ""
"settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
"id" : "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
"entityId" : "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
"isInherited": false,
"entityType" : "PROFILE",
"isJustificationRequired" : true,
"justificationRegex" : "XYZ"
3. Get Advanced Settings for a Resource Profile
This GET method retrieves the advanced settings of a resource profile specified by a profileId.
GET | {{url}}/api/resource-manager/profile/{profileId}/advanced-settings |
Request Parameters
The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
profileId | profileId mapped to Advanced Settings | String | Mandatory |
Request Example
curl --location -g --request GET '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/profile/{profileId}/advanced-settings'
--header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'
Response Example
Status: 200 OK |
"tenantId": "string",
"consumer": "RESOURCE_PROFILE",
"settings": [
"settingsType": "ITSM",
"id": "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
"entityId": "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
"entityType": "PROFILE",
"isInherited": false,
"connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
"connectionType": "servicenow",
"isCommentRequired": false,
"isITSMEnabled": true,
"itsmFilterCriteria": [
"supportedTicketType": "change_request",
"filter": {
"sysparm_query": ""
"settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
"id" : "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
"entityId" : "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
"entityType" : "PROFILE",
"isInherited": false,
"isJustificationRequired" : true,
"justificationRegex" : "XYZ"
4. Update Advanced Settings for Resource Profile
This PUT method updated the advanced settings of a resource profile, specified by profileId.
PUT | {{url}}/api/resource-manager/profile/{profileId}/advanced-settings |
Request Parameters
The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
profileId | profileId mapped to Advanced Settings | String | Mandatory |
Request Example
curl --location -g --request PUT '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/profile/{profileId}/advanced-settings'
--header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'
"tenantId": "string",
"consumer": "RESOURCE_PROFILE",
"settings": [
"settingsType": "ITSM",
"id": "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
"entityId": "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
"entityType": "PROFILE",
"isInherited": false,
"connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
"connectionType": "servicenow",
"isCommentRequired": false,
"isITSMEnabled": true,
"itsmFilterCriteria": [
"supportedTicketType": "change_request",
"filter": {
"sysparm_query": ""
"settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
"id" : "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
"entityId" : "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
"entityType" : "PROFILE",
"isJustificationRequired" : true,
"justificationRegex" : "XYZ"
Response Example
Status: 200 OK |
"tenantId": "string",
"consumer": "RESOURCE_PROFILE",
"settings": [
"settingsType": "ITSM",
"id": "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
"entityId": "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
"entityType": "PROFILE",
"isInherited": false,
"connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
"connectionType": "servicenow",
"isCommentRequired": false,
"isITSMEnabled": true,
"itsmFilterCriteria": [
"supportedTicketType": "change_request",
"filter": {
"sysparm_query": ""
"settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
"id" : "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
"entityId" : "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
"isInherited": false,
"entityType" : "PROFILE",
"isJustificationRequired" : true,
"justificationRegex" : "XYZ"
5. Delete Advanced Settings of resource Profile
This DELETE method deletes advanced settings of a resource profile specified by profileId.
DELETE | {{url}}/api/resource-manager/profile/{profileId}/advanced-settings/{id} |
Request Parameters
The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
profileId | profileId mapped to Advanced Settings | String | Mandatory |
id | id of Advanced Settings mapped to a resource profile | String | Mandatory |
Request Example
curl --location -g --request GET '{{url}}/api/resource-manager/profile/{profileId}/advanced-settings/{id}'
--header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'
Response Example
Status: 204 No Content |