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Manage Approvals
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1. Approve/Reject a Request
This PATCH method approves or rejects a request for a specified approval request.
- To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as authz.approval.update.
- Approval/rejection for a renamed secret is canceled.
PATCH | {{url}}/api/v1/approvals/{approvalid}?approveRequest=yes/no |
Request Parameter
The request parameter used in this method is shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
approveRequest | Specifies whether this request needs to be approved or rejected. The value can be 'yes' or 'no'. | String | Mandatory |
Request Example
curl -X PATCH '{{url}}/api/v1/approvals/{approvalid}?approveRequest=yes/no' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response Example
Status: 204 No Content |
2. Get Approval Request Details
This GET method returns the approval request details for the specified approval.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as authz.approval.read.
GET | {{url}}/api/v1/approvals/{approvalid}?requestType=myApprovals/myRequests |
Request Parameters
The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
requestType | Specifies the type of request. The value can be myRequests or myApprovals. | String | Optional |
curl -X GET '{{url}}/api/v1/approvals/{approvalid}/requestType=myApprovals' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response Example
Status: 200 Ok |
"requestId": "3792591f-d943-49d2-9000-4986b6ca3ecd",
"userId": "test@britive.com",
"resource": "xoktlx35r1a7h02cn3iz/ebayqlkczlhkxxh3010w",
"action": "resource.profile.checkout",
"justification": "y",
"approvers": {
"userIds": [
"createdAt": "2024-12-06T05:40:42.605Z",
"status": "PENDING",
"validFor": 1,
"timeToApprove": 10,
"expirationTimeForApproveRequest": "2024-12-06T05:50:42.606Z",
"consumer": "resourceprofile",
"resourceName": "resource1",
"multilevelApprovalSupport": false,
"context": {
"profileName": "profile1",
"permissionId": "yw996v3q1ub50qazo9vu",
"resourceId": "ebayqlkczlhkxxh3010w",
"profileId": "xoktlx35r1a7h02cn3iz",
"resourceName": "resource1",
"permissionVersion": "1",
"justification": "y",
"userId": "fasu6a71tn56n5ef8mn2",
"permissionName": "webserverperm",
"resourceType": "web-server"
"overallStatus": "PENDING",
"trackingId": "REQ-1",
"validForInDays": true,
"highRisk": null
3. Get Approval Requests
This GET method returns the list of all approval requests.
Note: To execute this API, the user should have permission assigned (through policy) with action as authz.approval.list.
GET | {{url}}/api/v1/approvals |
Request Parameters
The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:
Parameter | Description | Data Type | Required |
filter | Filter the list of approvals based on the request status, PENDING, or TIMEOUT. The supported operators are 'eq' and 'co'. For example, status eq PENDING, TIMEOUT | String | Optional |
requestType | Specifies the type of request. The value can be myRequests or myApprovals. | String | Optional |
pageToken | Autogenerated token for next page of records in case the results are more than one page. Append this token in requested API URL to access the next set of pages. | String | Optional |
Request Example
curl -X GET '{{url}}/api/v1/approvals' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
Response Example
Status: 200 Ok |
"result": [
"requestId": "25fefca3-4385-4ddc-a6fb-9f458ba534a2",
"userId": "bdas2",
"resource": "/bd_vault/titto/tt",
"action": "sm.secret.read",
"justification": "dsfg",
"approvers": {
"userIds": [
"createdAt": "2025-01-13T10:01:58.133Z",
"status": "TIMEOUT",
"validFor": 5,
"timeToApprove": 5,
"expirationTimeForApproveRequest": "2025-01-13T10:06:58.133Z",
"consumer": "secretmanager",
"resourceName": "/BD_Vault/Titto/tt",
"multilevelApprovalSupport": false,
"overallStatus": "TIMEOUT",
"trackingId": "REQ-749",
"highRisk": null,
"validForInDays": false
"requestId": "240f57b8-87d8-4b0d-952f-7c7ac66abd3c",
"userId": "amol",
"resource": "8glioyono3ba8tamlyw4/r-pak3-wkf6zso9r1r7upgl2suf",
"action": "papservice.profile.access",
"justification": "Testing...",
"approvers": {
"userIds": [
"createdAt": "2025-01-09T12:49:47.287Z",
"updatedAt": "2025-01-09T12:50:00.512Z",
"status": "APPROVED",
"validFor": 60,
"actionBy": "bd",
"timeToApprove": 5,
"expirationTimeForApproveRequest": "2025-01-09T12:54:47.287Z",
"expirationTimeApproval": "2025-01-09T13:50:00.511Z",
"consumer": "papservice",
"resourceName": "BD-AWS Identity Center:ab_test",
"multilevelApprovalSupport": false,
"context": {
"profileName": "ab_test",
"tenantUrl": "Britive ",
"appName": "BD-AWS Identity Center",
"profileId": "8glioyono3ba8tamlyw4",
"appId": "wkf6zso9r1r7upgl2suf",
"envId": "r-pak3-wkf6zso9r1r7upgl2suf",
"iconUrl": "/images/app_logos/aws.png",
"justification": "Testing...",
"userId": "dxorg3phyb8igzz0tr4w",
"highRisk": "false"
"overallStatus": "APPROVED",
"trackingId": "REQ-715",
"highRisk": false,
"validForInDays": false
"pagination": {
"next": ""