Creating a Britive Vault
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    Creating a Britive Vault

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    Article summary

    An administrator creates a vault for every respective tenant to store and manage secrets. A vault is a container holding secrets and nodes. A node is a directory or a folder holding secrets.

    Each secret is encrypted using a tenant-specific vault key and stored in the database. The vault key is periodically rotated and can also be rotated manually.

    Creating a Vault

    Only an administrator can create a vault and it is a one-time activity.

    1. Login to Britive.
    2. Click on Admin->Secrets Manager.
    3. Click on Britive Vault.
      • If the Britive Vault is created already, the All Secrets page is displayed. The following operations are possible on a vault, Add Folder/Add Secret/Delete Folder/Add Policy. Click on the hanging menu in front of the vault to access these. 
      • If the Britive Vault is not created already, click the Create Britive Vault button to start and follow the next steps.
    4. Enter the following on the Create Vault page:
      1. Enter Vault Name.
      2. Enter Description (Optional).
      3. Enter Default Vault Key Rotation Interval (In Days). The vault key is automatically rotated after this interval.
      4. Enter Max Secret Rotation Interval (In Days). This is the maximum permissible time interval for secret rotation. The default value is 60 days. The existing secret templates need to be updated manually to reflect this updated rotation interval.
      5. Enter the following under the Notification Settings section:
        1. Select the Notification Medium from the drop-down list. The notification mediums are created in Systems Administration->Global Settings->Notification Mediums. For more information, see Creating and Managing Notification Mediums. This notification medium is used to notify the user about the vault key rotation based on the specified rotation interval.
      6. Select the users from the User List.
      7. Select the tag list from the Tag List.
      8. Click Create Vault.

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