Broker Pools
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    Broker Pools

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    Article summary

    A broker pool is a collection of one or many brokers. All brokers of similar resources are part of a broker pool. For example, all Windows server-related brokers are part of one broker pool. Broker pools are created and managed by Britive. 

    The broker pool token is used in starting/registering a broker with Britive.  Every broker pool can have a maximum of three tokens and two tokens at a time can be active. A default broker token is created for each new broker pool.

    Create a Broker Pool

    1. Login to Britive.
    2. Click on Admin->Brokers and Broker Pools.
    3. Click the Broker Pools tab.
    4. Click the Create Broker Pool button.
    5. Enter the Name and Description of the broker pool.
    6. Click Done.

    Manage a Broker Pool

    • Brokers: A list of installed/configured brokers is displayed, these brokers are deployed in a remote environment. The broker status is also shown as Active, Inactive, or Disconnected.
    • Resources: A list of resources that a broker pool can manage.
    • Broker Pool Token
      1. Click the Create a new Token button if you do not want to use a default token.
      2. Enter a Name and Description in the Create a token window.
      3. Click Status to activate or deactivate the token. 
        • Active: The token can be used by a broker registration. 
        • Inactive: The broker is registered but is not active. 
    • Broker Pool Resource Labels: Select from Label Key and Values from the drop-down list. You can select multiple values for one label key.

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