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    Article summary

    GA Release 2023.04.01

    Released on April 16th, 2023.


    • The destination region for generating AWS Tokens using STS (sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML) by Britive is now configurable. CloudTrail logs for STS calls will be available in the configured region.
    • Ability to create external tags/groups from the Britive UI.


    • Audit log entries for profile checkouts now correctly display the system user as the client.
    • The Groups and Accounts column showing empty data under the Data tab is now resolved.
    • An issue with the scan status column in the scan summary is now resolved.

    GA Release 2023.03.02.02

    Released on April 2nd, 2023.


    • Approval validity period is now displayed while submitting an approval request.
    • Tags now support dynamic membership via attribute-based rules.


    • An issue with exporting the Application Access and Group Permission Access reports is now fixed.
    • An issue with duplicate custom role names in GCP is now resolved.

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