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    Article summary

    Audit Log

    Audit Log page displays a record of events and activities in Britive. Audit logs record the time at which the event occurred, the responsible user, the type of event, the impacted target and the result of that event. The audit logs include the user and system activities, such as authentication, profile check in/check out, update profile, and scan environments etc..

    The audit logs can be searched based on the time duration or a specific term. The advanced search option lets you search based on filters where you can select the fields and enter values. The audit logs can be exported to CSV.

    1. Login to Britive with administrator privileges.
    2. Click Admin -> Audit Log.
    3. Enter text in Search box to search logs with certain terms.
    4. Click Advanced Search and enter the following in Advanced Search dialog box:
      1. Select a field or a filter.
      2. Select the operand STARTS WITH or CONTAINS or EQUALS.
      3. Enter the filter value.
      4. Add multiple filters if needed, joined by and operator.
      5. Click APPLY FILTER.

    Managing Webhooks

    Audit log webhooks are used to send the audit log records to a Webhook URL configured while creating a webhook. The webhooks can be configured to receive audit logs matching the filter expression. 

    Before configuring the webhooks and filters, webhooks must be added as notification medium in Global Settings. To add a webhook as a notification medium, see Creating and Managing Notification Mediums.

    1. Login to Britive with administrator privileges.
    2. Click Admin -> Audit Log -> MANAGE WEBHOOKS.
    3. Click Add Webhook button, and enter the following:
      1.  Select the desired Webhook notification medium from the list.
      2. Enter the filter expression.
      3. Click Save.

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