Creating a Policy in Oracle Cloud
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    Creating a Policy in Oracle Cloud

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    Article Summary

    Britive needs to manage privileges on users and groups in the onboarded Oracle Cloud account. Hence, you need to define policies in the Oracle Cloud account. 

    Perform the following steps to create a policy in Oracle Cloud:

    1. Login to Oracle cloud console with administrator privileges. 
    2. Click Identity & Security from the navigation menu.
    3. Select Policies from the Identity section.
    4. Click Create Policy
    5. Enter the following in Create Policy page:
      1. Enter name and description.
      2. Select the root compartment. 
      3. Select Show manual editor to add your own policy statements in the Policy Builder.
      4. Add the policy statements in the Policy Builder. For example, if the group name you have created for the users is BritiveGroup, you can add the policy statements in the following format:
        Allow group BritiveGroup to use users in tenancy
        Allow group BritiveGroup to use groups in tenancy
        Allow group BritiveGroup to inspect policies in tenancy
        Note that the format of the policy statements should match the following format:
        Allow group [groupname] to [verb] [resource-type] in [compartment_name] where [condition]
        There should not be a space after each policy statement or any other syntax errors; else an error is displayed.
      5. Click Create. The new policy is created.

    For more information about creating policy in OCI, see Creating a Policy.

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