Manage MFA
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    Manage MFA

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    Article summary

    All the MFA APIs require the following request parameter:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    factorIndicates the MFA factor used for Step Up Verification.
    Value: TOTP

    1. Register the Current Authenticated User for the MFA factor

    This POST method is used to register the authenticated user for a MFA factor.


    Request Example

    curl --location 'https://localhost/api/mfa/register/TOTP' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --data ' { 
        "action": "GENERATE_SECRET" }'

    Response Example

       "status": "CHALLENGE",  
       "factor": "TOTP",   
          "key": "SPE6SOTTGB7SYXQMXMNUKBCRO3PHT6YN",        "uri": 

    Status: 200 OK

    2. Get the Current Authenticated User's MFA Factor Registration Details

    This GET method is used by the authenticated user to retrieve their MFA factor registration.


    Request Example

    curl --location '{{url}}/api/mfa/register/TOTP' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'

    Response Example

        "status": "CHALLENGE",
        "factor": "TOTP"

    3. Get MFA factor Registration Details for a User

    This GET method is used by tenant administrators to retrieve the MFA factor registration details for the given user.

    NoteOnly administrators can execute this API.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameter used in this method is shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    targetUserIdThe random 20 alphanumeric string ID of the service identity user.



    Request Example

    curl --location '{{url}}/api/mfa/admin/registrations/TOTP/users/<string>' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'

    Response Example

        "status": "CHALLENGE",
        "factor": "TOTP"

    4. Delete the current authenticated user's MFA factor registration

    This DELETE method is used to delete the MFA factor registration details for the user.

    Only tenant administrators can use this API.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameter used in this method is shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    credentialThe MFA factor credential to confirm deletion of the MFA factor registration.



    Request Example

    curl --location --request DELETE '{{url}}/api/mfa/register/TOTP/<string>' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'

    Response Example

       "message": "<string>",  
       "errorCode": "<string>"
    Status: 200 OK

    5. Delete MFA factor registration details

    This DELETE method js used to delete the MFA factor registration details.

    NoteOnly administrators can execute this API.


    The request parameter used in this method is shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    targetUserIdThe random 20 alphanumeric string id of the service identity user.



    Request Example

    curl --location --request DELETE '{{url}}/api/mfa/admin/registrations/TOTP/users/<string>'

    Manage Users

    1. Users with view access to identities can retrieve another user’s TOTP registration status

    This GET method returns the user's TOTP registration status.


    Request Example

    curl --location --request GET '{{url}}/api/mfa/admin/registrations/{factor}/users/{targetUserId}'

    Response Example

        "status": "REGISTERED",    
        "factor": "TOTP"

    2. Users with Manage Access to Identities can delete/unregister another user’s TOTP registration

    This GET method is used by users who have manage access to delete or unregister another user's TOPT registration. 


    Request Example

    curl --location --request GET '{{url}}/api/mfa/admin/registrations/{factor}/users/{targetUserId}'

    Response Example

        "status": "REGISTERED",
        "factor": "TOTP"

    Status: 204 No Content

    Register and View Step Up MFA TOTP Factor

    1. Create a New Secret Key for OTP Generations 

    This POST method creates a new secret key for OTP generations.


    Request Example

    curl --location --request POST
       "action": "GENERATE_SECRET"

    Response Example

     "status": "CHALLENGE",   
     "factor": "TOTP",    
       "registrationStatus": "CHALLENGE",        "key": 
       "K5WWKYUNX3KWCDVF7CN2RYP7IBPTGYNS",        "uri": 

    2. Get MFA TOTP Registration Status


    This GET method returns the MFA TOTP registration status.


    Request Example

    curl --location --request GET '{{url}}/api/mfa/register/TOTP'

    Response Example

       "status": "REGISTERED",    
       "factor": "TOTP"

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