Manage Application Profile Advanced Settings
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    Manage Application Profile Advanced Settings

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    Article summary

    Configuring profile-level advanced settings takes precedence over the application-level advanced settings.

    1. Create Advanced Settings for Application Profile

    This POST method configures advanced settings for an application profile.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    papIdpapId mapped to Advanced SettingsStringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location -g --request POST '{{url}}/api/apps/{papId}/advanced-settings'
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'
      "settings": [
                "settingsType": "ITSM",
                "connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
                "connectionType": "servicenow",
                "isCommentRequired": false,
                "isITSMEnabled": true,
                "itsmFilterCriteria": [
                        "supportedTicketType": "change_request",
                        "filter": {
                            "sysparm_query": ""
           "settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
           "isJustificationRequired" : true,
           "justificationRegex" : "XYZ"

    Response Example 

    Status: 201 Created
      "tenantId": "string",
      "consumer": "APP_PROFILE",
      "settings": [
                "settingsType": "ITSM",
                "id": "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
                "entityId": "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
                "entityType": "PROFILE",
                "isInherited": false,
                "connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
                "connectionType": "servicenow",
                "isCommentRequired": false,
                "isITSMEnabled": true,
                "itsmFilterCriteria": [
                        "supportedTicketType": "change_request",
                        "filter": {
                            "sysparm_query": ""
           "settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
           "id" : "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
           "entityId" : "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
           "entityType" : "PROFILE",
           "isJustificationRequired" : true,
           "justificationRegex" : "XYZ"

    2. Get Advanced Settings for an Application Profile

    This GET method retrieves the advanced settings of an application profile specified by a papId.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    papIdpapId mapped to Advanced SettingsStringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location -g --request GET '{{url}}/api/apps/{papId}/advanced-settings' 
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'

    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
      "tenantId": "string",
      "consumer": "APP_PROFILE",
      "settings": [
                "settingsType": "ITSM",
                "id": "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
                "entityId": "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
                "entityType": "PROFILE",
                "isInherited": false,
                "connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
                "connectionType": "servicenow",
                "isCommentRequired": false,
                "isITSMEnabled": true,
                "itsmFilterCriteria": [
                        "supportedTicketType": "change_request",
                        "filter": {
                            "sysparm_query": ""
           "settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
           "id" : "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
           "entityId" : "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
           "entityType" : "PROFILE",
           "isJustificationRequired" : true,
           "justificationRegex" : "XYZ"

    3. Update Advanced Settings for an Application Profile

    This PUT method updated the advanced settings of an application profile, specified by papId.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    papIdpapId mapped to Advanced SettingsStringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location -g --request PUT '{{url}}/api/apps/{papId}/advanced-settings' 
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'
      "tenantId": "string",
      "consumer": "APP_PROFILE",
      "settings": [
                "settingsType": "ITSM",
                "id": "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
                "entityId": "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
                "entityType": "APPLICATION",
                "isInherited": false,
                "connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
                "connectionType": "servicenow",
                "isCommentRequired": false,
                "isITSMEnabled": true,
                "itsmFilterCriteria": [
                        "supportedTicketType": "change_request",
                        "filter": {
                            "sysparm_query": ""
           "settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
           "id" : "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
           "entityId" : "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
           "entityType" : "APPLICATION",
           "isJustificationRequired" : true,
           "justificationRegex" : "XYZ"

    Response Example 

    Status: 200 OK
      "tenantId": "string",
      "consumer": "APP_PROFILE",
      "settings": [
                "settingsType": "ITSM",
                "id": "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
                "entityId": "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
                "entityType": "PROFILE",
                "isInherited": false,
                "connectionId": "71b94622-30ef-4d17-babb-94972ce4b2db",
                "connectionType": "servicenow",
                "isCommentRequired": false,
                "isITSMEnabled": true,
                "itsmFilterCriteria": [
                        "supportedTicketType": "change_request",
                        "filter": {
                            "sysparm_query": ""
           "settingsType" : "JUSTIFICATION",
           "id" : "4d1bae45-f80e-4f74-97af-083d44b10e21",
           "entityId" : "brnlzt5tjzyc3ahmy9z2",
           "entityType" : "PROFILE",
           "isJustificationRequired" : true,
           "justificationRegex" : "XYZ"

    4. Delete Advanced Settings of an Application Profile

    This DELETE method deletes advanced settings of an application profile specified by papId.


    Request Parameters

    The request parameters used in this method are shown in the following table:

    ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
    papIdpapId mapped to Advanced SettingsStringMandatory
    idid of Advanced Settings mapped to an application profileStringMandatory

    Request Example

    curl --location -g --request DELETE '{{url}}/api/apps/{papId}/advanced-settings/{id}' 
    --header 'Authorization: TOKEN {{token}}'

    Response Example 

    Status: 204 No Content

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